• Economics, Ethics and Justice - Amarthya Sen

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    Nobel Prize Amartya Sen, invites us to reflect on the key concepts of economics, ethics and justice. Is it possible to combine ethical values ​​with the laws of the market? What are the definitions of social justice and well-being? The sharp analysis of economist Amartya Sen and his idea of econo...

  • The Game Theory - John Nash

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    Nobel Prize winner John Nash, one of the most famous scientists of our time, takes us into the heart of the theory of games. Is it possible to build a mathematical model of behavior from a game of chess? An innovative theory for understanding the elaborate strategies that underlie the choices of ...

  • The emerging economies - Michael Spence

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    Nobel Prize Michael Spence presents the new economic players and the challenges of the global world. At the dawn of the third millennium, there are new players that have taken the economic stage: they are the emerging economies, in particular, the so-called BRIC group (Brazil, Russia, India, Chin...

  • Lavoisier and Mendeleev - Harold Kroto

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    Nobel laureate Harold Kroto leads us into the fascinating world of modern chemistry. From the experiments of alchemists, among philosophy and religion, to the “Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed” of Lavoisier, up to the invention of the periodic table of Mendeleev: the birth, development...

  • The stock market - Robert Merton

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    Economist Robert Merton, Nobel Prize Winner in 1997, reveals to us the mechanisms of the stock market and financial economy. A journey into the complex world of finance and the stock market, including mortgage loans and derivatives, speculative bubbles and mathematical models; in a clear and prec...

  • Max Planck - Sheldon Lee Glashow

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    Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Sheldon Lee Glashow presents a revolutionary theory and its creator. The insights, experiments and achievements of Max Planck and his successors. How the understanding of the invisible structure of matter has paved the way for futuristic technological applications, f...

  • The invention of the Euro - Robert Mundell

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    The birth of the single European currency in the tale of one of the protagonists of contemporary economics, Nobel laureate Robert Mundell. In January 1999 the euro officially came into effect, which now interests 18 countries and more than three hundred million people. A thorough look into the jo...

  • The theory of numbers - Andrew Wiles

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    Andrew Wiles, one of the great mathematicians of our time, guides us into the fascinating world of numbers. The principles and developments of the theory of numbers, the discipline that the famous scientist Gauss called “the queen of mathematics”; a journey among its leading figures, an inheritan...

  • The string theory - Edward Witten

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    One of the most fascinating physical theories, the string theory, as told by one of its greatest interprets, Edward Witten. The dream of science is to unify all physical phenomena into a single theory that can explain space, time and every force of the universe; the string theory, its origins and...

  • The birth of Western philosophy, E. Severino

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    The Presocratics were the first thinkers to reject mythological explanations of the world and to explore the rational principles of reality. The works of Thales, Heraclitus and Parmenides paved the way for the thoughts of Plato and Aristotle; their theories gave the birth of the Western philosophy.

  • Maxwell - Sheldon Lee Glashow

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    Sheldon Lee Glashow, Nobel Prize Winner for Physics in 1979, describes the history of electromagnetism. Electricity and magnetism; two physical phenomena strongly linked to each other, two forces that have revolutionized everyday life. From Franklin’s lightning rod to the experiments of Galvani a...

  • DNA, the secret of life - James D. Watson

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    The discovery of the structure of DNA through the words of one of its creators, the Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine James Watson. In the mid-nineteenth century biology had taken great leaps and bounds thanks to the research of Mendel and the discovery of DNA. A century later, a couple of fundamen...

  • The human genome - James D. Watson

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    The great scientist James Watson, Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine in 1962, tells us about the Human Genome Project and his ambitions. In 1988, when the U.S. Congress gave the official go-ahead to the Human Genome Project, it opened a season of great excitement in the field of biology. The objecti...