The theory of numbers - Andrew Wiles

The theory of numbers - Andrew Wiles

Andrew Wiles, one of the great mathematicians of our time, guides us into the fascinating world of numbers. The principles and developments of the theory of numbers, the discipline that the famous scientist Gauss called “the queen of mathematics”; a journey among its leading figures, an inheritance of theories and puzzles handed down to us, the progress of a subject matter that is constantly evolving.

The theory of numbers
1. The origins
2. Pierre de Fermat
3. Problems and solutions

Last theorem of Fermat
4. A problem worthy of fame
5. A series of solutions
6. Mathematical duels
7. The resolution of the theorem

A pure science
8. Awards of mathematics
9. Birth of modern mathematics
10. The charm of the unsolved problems
11. The grand problems of mathematics
12. The evolution of the theory of numbers

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The theory of numbers - Andrew Wiles
  • The theory of numbers - Andrew Wiles

    Andrew Wiles, one of the great mathematicians of our time, guides us into the fascinating world of numbers. The principles and developments of the theory of numbers, the discipline that the famous scientist Gauss called “the queen of mathematics”; a journey among its leading figures, an inheritan...